Sunday, October 4, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs

Closing is November 6. And local readers, if you're trying to move a hunk of Des Moines property, call Kelly. She's been a rock star.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go happy-dance around that sign like it's a tiny Spinal Tap Stonehenge.


Iowagriz said...

Congrats, you moving to the 'burbs' with the rest of us?

Jason T. Nunemaker said...

Not a chance... I'm making my commute shorter, not longer, even though it's already too short to qualify for your "coldest commute" contest. :-)

And, since we're getting a townhouse, I won't have to waste all that good riding time doing silly things like yard work and snow shoveling.

Steve Fuller said...

Congrats on the house sale and the upcoming jetisoning of yard work duties. Does this mean that limpstrong might actually happen next year? ;)